Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Rebublic
The 24th Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery. Transonic and Supersonic Flow in Cascades and Turbomachines held on Aug. 30-31, 2018, IT-CAS, Prague, Czech Republic
David Simurda
Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic
First operation of a rotating test rig for transient thermochromic liquid crystal heat transfer experiments
C. Waidmann, R. Poser, M. Göhring, J. v Wolfersdorf
Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
The impact of measurement uncertainty on heat exchanger performance measurements in a sCO2 test facility for power cycle applications
Jose Zubizarreta, Eduardo Anselmi, Pavlos Zachos, Vassilios Pachidis
Cranfield University, UK
A rig for sub-idle compressor characteristics
Luis Ferrer-Vidal España-Heredia
Cranfiled Aerospace, UK
A new facility for dynamic turbomachinery and wind-tunnel testing
M. Henke, F. Herbst, H. Rätz, J. R. Seume
Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Technique for determination of phase changes in moist air flow in a blade cascade
M.Vestfálová, P. Šafařík, D. Šimurda
1 Department of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2 Department of Power Engineering Equipment, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, 3 Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Evaluation of flow conditions downstream of a turbofan propulsion simulator fan stage
M. Berens and E. Goldhahn
Airbus, Germany
Investigation of aircraft engine surge due to ground vortex ingestion
1Jan Lepicovsky, 2 Anthony A. duPont
1Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 2duPont Aerospace Company, Manchester Center, Vermont, U.S.A.
Complete flow conditioning gauzes
J.V. Taylor
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
The impact of inlet flow profile on the unsteady distortion characteristics of S-duct aero-engine intakes
A. Gloder, M. Migliorini, P. Zachos, D. MacManus
Propulsion Engineering Centre, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Measurement of turbulence in LP part of the 1090 MW steam turbine
P. Antos, V. Uruba, P. Jonas, P. Prochazka, V. Skala, M. Hoznedl, K. Sedlak
Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, Doosan Skoda Power, Czech Republic
Experimental investigation of flow characteristics inside an axisymmetric cavity of a shrouded single-stage compressor using a five-hole probe
Vasilis G. Gkoutzamanis, Theofilos G. Efstathiadis, Sotirios N. Theodorou, Anestis I. Kalfas
Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Measurement of flow field in a turbopump inducer under cavitating condition
J. Kim, S. J. Song
Doosan Heavy Industry, Republic of Korea, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Total pressure distortion measurements in S-duct aero-engine intakes
M. Diakostefanis, P. Zachos, G. Tanguy, D. Gil-Prieto, D. MacManus
Propulsion Engineering Centre, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Evaluation of heat transfer coefficients for an impingement cooling cascade: experimental challenges and preliminary results
M. Gaffuri, A. Terzis, P. Ott, S. Retzko, M. Henze
Group of Thermal Turbomachinery, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland, ANSALDO Energia, Switzerland
Unsteady conjugate heat transfer measurements in the presence of lateral conduction
S. Brack, R. Poser, J. von Wolfersdorf
Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
The decoupling problem: errors in boundary condition separation in metal effectiveness measurements
M. Michaud and T. Povey
Osney Thermofluids Laboratory, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Development of ultra-high temperature multi-hole probes
G. Bidan, J. L. Champion
Safran Tech, France
Oscillating blade design for energy harvesting in autonomous self-powered flowmeter
T. Efstathiadis, V. Gkoutzamanis, A. Kakafikas, A. I. Kalfas
Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
ECL-B3 A new UHBR fan test-rig for aerodynamic, aeroelastic and aeroacoustic studies
Xavier Ottavy
Laboratory of Fluid Transfer and Acoustics (LMFA)
Development of an additive manufactured miniaturized wedge probe optimized for 2d transonic wake flow measurements
M. Boerner, R. Niehuis
Institute of Jet Propulsion, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
On the modal analysis of fast response aerodynamic pressure probe data
L. Simonassi, M. Zenz, S. Zerobin, A. Marn, T. Selic
1Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 2Elin Motoren, Austria
Impulse-response deconvolution technique to improve effective frequency response of pressure and temperature probes
D. Burdett, R. Lubock, T. Povey
Osney Thermofluids Laboratory, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
A novel MEMS-based probe for unsteady aerodynamic measurements: a proof-of-concept study
W. Morris, J. Coull, T. Dickens, A. de Luca, F. Udrea
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Development in high frequency directional probes for high temperature applications
Lakshya Bhatnagar, James Braun, Valeria Andreoli, David Gonzalez Cuadrado, Zhe Liu, Guillermo Paniagua
Purdue University, USA
Purdue University & Petal Solutions LLC, USA
Development of laser lifetime pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique for unsteady measurements
Nyansafo Aye-Addo, Nicholas Long, Guillermo Paniagua, Jorge Saavedra
Purdue University, USA
CTHWA dynamic response effects on turbulence measurements in turbomachinery flows
E. Boufidi, M. Cottes, F. Fontanetto
1 "Jacques Chauvin" Laboratory von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, 2 Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine, Italy
Experimental and numerical investigation of the boundary layer transition on the prismatic turbine blade
E. Flidr, T. Jelinek, P. Straka
VZLU - Czech Aerospace Research Centre, Czech Republic
Unsteady swirl distortion characteristics in S-duct aero-engine intakes
D. Gil-Prieto, P. Zachos, D. MacManus, G. McLelland
Propulsion Engineering Centre, Granfield University
Particle image velocimetry for evaluating the formation of separation regions behind a wall mounted hump
J. Fisher, J. Saavedra, G. Paniagua, T. Meyer
Purdue University, United States of America
Measurements of flow structures in a turbine cascade using a SPIV
Yangtao Tiang, Hongwei Ma
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero-Engines Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Aero-Engine, Beihang University, China